Courses with Work Permit

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Several destinations allow students to work while studying, such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, and even Malta.
However, each process is done differently and depends on the rules of the embassy of the chosen country.


It is allowed to bring a spouse, who can work 40 hours a week, and children, who are entitled to free schooling.
*average based on 2024


You can be eligible for a work permit while taking a language, vocational or higher education courses, as long as they last longer than 14 weeks.

And did you know that you can bring your spouse with you? They can also be allowed to work.

*average based on 2024


The study visa for language courses does not allow you to work, but if you choose a College or University this scenario changes.

You can work and bring your family (children and spouse) who will have access to school and work permits as well, because Canada is looking for qualified labor and is a country with policies that are more open to multiculturalism.

*average based on 2022

*average based on 2024


The study visa for language courses does not allow you to work, but if you choose a College or University this scenario changes.

You can work and bring your family (children and spouse) who will have access to school and work permits as well, because Canada is looking for qualified labor and is a country with policies that are more open to multiculturalism.


The process is very simple and is done at the destination itself, besides that it is really cost-effective, because you can work and study just by taking a language course. But there are also a number of rules, such as the duration of the course, mandatory insurance, and a proficiency test.

*average based on 2024


The visa allows you to study and work, you have to apply for it in the country and it has to be requested at least four weeks before. You can enter Malta and stay up to 3 months without a visa, just by presenting at immigration the reasons for your trip, insurance, round trip ticket and vaccination certificate.

During the 90-day period you look for a job and apply for a work permit visa, which will cost about 70 euros plus the cost of the work permit.

*average based on 2022

*average based on 2023


The visa allows you to study and work, you have to apply for it in the country and it has to be requested at least four weeks before. You can enter Malta and stay up to 3 months without a visa, just by presenting at immigration the reasons for your trip, insurance, round trip ticket and vaccination certificate.

During the 90-day period you look for a job and apply for a work permit visa, which will cost about 70 euros plus the cost of the work permit.

New Zealand

The study visa for language courses allows you to work during your exchange, as long as the schools are within certain quality categories.

It is also possible to be allowed to work when choosing other study options such as undergraduate or graduate studies and technical courses, for example. Under these conditions you can take your spouse and family with you.

*average based on 2023

These rules can be changed according to demand or even the wishes of the embassies, which is sovereign! We follow these rules and provide our students with up-to-date information, so that they can arrive at their chosen destination with peace of mind and no surprises.

Want to know more? Talk to one of our consultants and we will be glad to analyze your profile.

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