Technical and vocational courses

New Frontier, what are these courses? Come on, let us explain a little bit!

Technical and vocational courses are short-term specializations aimed at the labor market. They usually have a duration of less than a year and have specific topic to be studied. They are not classified as higher education courses.

The most popular destinations for those who want to do a technical or vocational course are Canada and Australia. In Australia these vocational courses are called VET. They last between 6 months and 1.5 years and have courses in various areas, from Project Management, Marketing, Business, to Carpentry, Childcare, Sports and Yoga.

New Frontier, what are these courses? Come on, let us explain a little bit!

Technical and vocational courses are short-term specializations aimed at the labor market. They usually have a duration of less than a year and have specific topic to be studied. They are not classified as higher education courses.

The most popular destinations for those who want to do a technical or vocational course are Canada and Australia. In Australia these vocational courses are called VET. They last between 6 months and 1.5 years and have courses in various areas, from Project Management, Marketing, Business, to Carpentry, Childcare, Sports and Yoga.

In Canada, there are private colleges that offer courses called CO-OP. In these programs, in addition to studying and having work permission for the entire period, the student also completes an internship, mostly paid, at a partner company of the college, in their field of study as a required part of their education.

In the case of private colleges, unlike VETs and Public Colleges, the course options offered to international students are a little more limited, ranging from Customer Success, Business, Marketing and IT.

In addition to these, many schools offer 1 or 2 month courses for professionals who want some kind of refresher program, allowing the student to go on vacation from work and come back with a certificate in Project Management, for example. Are you interested in learning more?

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