South Africa

Get to know South Africa.

Going on an exchange to South Africa is more than just learning English, it is gaining life experiences and an immersion in the culture and traditions of such a diverse country. You have the possibility to visit savannas, beaches, deserts, mountains, and meet lions, giraffes, elephants, zebras, penguins, sharks and much more!

South Africa is known for its multiculturalism, in the country that are many different ethnic groups, ranging from people that were there before the colonization process, to the ones that are from another place in the world. In 2021 the population there was estimated at 59  millions, with 70% being black, 12% dutch and english descendents, 13% euro africans, 3% indian and 2% from other ethnics. 

They have 11 official languages, and English is one of them. Generally people don’t imagine South Africa as a place of choice for studying English, that’s because many people still don’t know this is one of the local languages there. But in reality the country is a great option when your goal is to improve on the language comprehension, as the accent is kinda different for what we are used to, therefore you expand the horizons of your knowledge in English. And you not only will get better in your English fluency, but also have the chance to learn a bit about another local language. 

Besides the ethnic and cultural plurality we have to highlight the local beauty! Beaches, mountains, wineries, lakes and of course safaris compose the most amazing landscapes. In South Africa you’ll always have some new places to visit and new adventures to live, such as bungee jumping, abseiling and even swimming with sharks.

The climate there is really similar to Brazil, so we can reassure you that you will feel at home with hot and sunny summers, and mild temperatures in winter. 

If these aren’t enough reasons for you to choose South Africa as your destination, we have to remind you that this is one of the most cost-effective exchanges in the market. Besides the country ‘s currency,  Rand, being devalued, the daily cost of basic stuff, such as food, transportation and accommodation are much cheaper than in European countries.

And we have a tip for the ones that are looking for different kinds of experiences on an exchange. There you can do the study + volunteer program, an amazing opportunity to practice English and help out, whether with children, animals, or school, and regardless of the area you choose.

Brazilian exchange students favorite destination is:

The best city for the exchange student is Cape Town, which is the capital and second largest economic center in the country. It is the perfect place for those who enjoy nature, animals, and the outdoors.

Feel like visiting South Africa!?
Contact one of our consultants to learn more!

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